Worship Times:
8:00 am & 10:00 am
Who We Are

Our purpose statement :
Called and empowered to proclaim
the radical love of Christ through lives of service.
We Welcome You

Church Office Hours
9:00 am
to 3:00 pm
During these hours, the church building is open for prayer and visits with the Pastor and staff, and we are available by phone or email.
In-Person Worship
Sundays at
8:00 am and
10:00 am
A smaller Discussion Eucharist service without music is offered at 8:00 am Sundays.
Our festive worship with piano/organ and special music is held on Sundays at 10:00 am.
Holy Communion is offered at both services
Face masks are optional at worship.
Online Worship
Our Worship Bulletin and Weekly Footnotes are sent to our email list on Fridays.
Mid-week after Sunday worship,
we upload the 10:00 am worship video to our YouTube page. You can sign up for our emails at the bottom of this page.
Individual Prayer
Everyone is welcome to come by the church and use our Worship Area for meditation and/or prayer.

Join Us for
In-Person Worship
Protocols for Worship. Please continue to care for the well-being of our whole community and join us online if you are feeling unwell. Face masks are optional.
Children in Worship. We are happy to invite children into worship. There is a Pray-ground in the front of the sanctuary (northeast corner) for our youngest worshipers and their adults, where anyone can color, read, or play quietly during the service. There are also rocking chairs for soothing our smallest worshipers. A children's message will be offered during worship and Pastor Naomi will meet anyone interested in gathering during that time at the Pray-ground.
Live-streaming and Recording. Please be advised, that when you enter a Lutheran Church of the Foothills worship service you will be entering an area where photography, video, and audio recording may occur. As such, there is no way to guarantee that your image will not appear or your voice will not be heard.
Discussion Eucharist Worship at 8:00 am. Our in-person-only Discussion Eucharist worship meets at 8:00 am. in the Learning Center. Holy Communion is offered, but there is no music. Masks are worn at the group's discretion. Scott Warren is our worship and gospel discussion leader. All are welcome to this early morning in-person-only worship service.
Worship Service at 10:00 am. Our in-person and live-streamed Worship Service meets at 10:00 am. in the Sanctuary. Holy Communion is offered, and singing is accompanied by organ and piano. The recording of this service is posted mid-week on our "Lutheran Church of the Foothills - Tucson" YouTube channel.
Worship Videos
Click any video below to view our Worship for that week.
At Lutheran Church of the Foothills, we believe that God has blessed us so that we may be a blessing to others. Thus, we encourage “First Fruits” giving, that is, sharing our blessings of money in an intentional, consistent way to help others.
We offer the following opportunities for making a monetary donation:
Give online via credit card. Click here to securely give online with your credit card. You may use this form for a one-time gift or to give on a regular basis.
Give during Sunday worship with a check or cash put in the offering basket as part of your worship activities.
Give “Sunday Dollars” during worship. The loose one dollar bills put into our offering basket at Sunday morning worship services are automatically designated to help that month’s “Offering of Service,” as promoted by our Community Service Team.
Give via the automatic payment system you set up through your bank.
If you would like to give an in-kind gift to the church, or a gift in memory or honor of a loved one, please talk with our Pastor, Treasurer, or Financial Secretary. Thank you for joining us in giving to God’s work through Lutheran Church of the Foothills.
Thank you!
Contact Us
Lutheran Church of the Foothills
5102 N. Craycroft Rd.
Tucson, AZ 85718-6343

Land Acknowledgement
Lutheran Church of the Foothills is located on the original and ancestral homelands of the Tohono O’odham and Pascua Yaqui nations, and we give thanks for their presence here since time immemorial. We also wish to recognize and honor all our Indigenous siblings who have and continue to call this land their home. We acknowledge the historical injustices and colonialism perpetrated on these Indigenous Peoples, past and present, and we strive to be mindful of our complicity and work toward building right relationships with all Native nations and Native peoples.